
Languages :
French, English.

Sabine Lipovetsky

Sabine Lipovetsky joined the firm in 2000, having worked for a number of international law firms, and in particular the Irish firm of A&L Goodbody. Since her appointment as partner in September 2007, she has co-headed the IT / IP / Commercial Department) with Fabrice Perbost.

Sabine Lipovetsky has built up considerable expertise in these areas, particularly from an international perspective, and from a both contractual and regulatory standpoint, in pre-litigation and litigation. Her practice covers:

  • intellectual property
  • IT: Internet law, e-commerce, privacy and protection of personal data,
  • life sciences,
  • commercial law.

She has published several articles and contributed to the “Dictionnaire du web” (web dictionary).

Sabine Lipovetsky lectures at University of Paris X Nanterre, in the “Master 2 Droit des Nouvelles Technologies et Société de l’Information”.

She is a member of the following professional associations: APRAM (“Association des Praticiens du Droit des Marques et des Modèles”), F.N.T.C. (“Fédération Nationale des Tiers de Confiance”), INTA (International Trademark Association),the ITechLaw Association and the Biolegis network.

Sabine Lipovetsky holds an LL.M. in Commercial Law (University College Dublin), a Post-graduate specialized diploma in Industrial Property Law and a Master’s degree in Business Law (University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas).