Newsletter N°76 – Is it safe to (re)use Google Analytics? – October 2022

Publié le 25-10-2022

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Newsletter N°75 – An exceptional mechanism for early release of employees’ saving plans for the purchase of goods or the provision of services – October 2022

Publié le 05-10-2022

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Harlay avocats counsels EVA in the context of a 5-million fundraising – PR July 2022

Publié le 25-07-2022

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Harlay Avocats (Olivier Cognard) has acted as counsel to Engine Gaming and Media Inc. in connection with the sale of Eden Games – PR May 18, 2022

Publié le 18-05-2022

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Fabrice Perbost, Domitille Philippe et Sabine Lipovetsky: « Online advertising and marketing, Q&A: France » published by Practical law.

Publié le 04-11-2021

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More : Fabrice PerbostSabine Lipovetsky, Domitille Philippe, Practical Law